Friday, March 14, 2008

You Must Remedy This

Keith takes Hillary to school over the race baiting strategy.

1 comment:

Om Shanti said...

Whoa! Keith!

Boy he is right on. I am so glad he has the back bone to speak such truths on national television. Then to deliver them with strength, conviction and passion. I'm just blown away.

I love how he calls her out, not only on the more recent idiotic decisions, but on her every wrong move, how he then chastises her campaign advisors every wrong piece of advice and doesn't stop until he reaches her husband! Incredible!

I'm somewhat stunned. I don't think I've ever witnessed anything like this from a news anchor before. Thank the Goddess that one of them is finally standing up and shinning the light on some truths. It's just too bad this didn't happen during the last eight years of Bush's rule.

Well I'm impressed. I hope Ferraro takes her bitter venom and crawls back into the shadows were she belongs.

Oh, and I just love how Keith brought up Hillary's lack of integrity when dealing with Ferraro's racial comments. It's puzzling to me why she wouldn't speak out strongly against such horrible statements. What does that say about Hillary? Well I'm sure it says all we need to know.

Thanks for posting this Jeff. It's really powerful.