Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Alex Forrest*

Well, like a political Jason Voorhees or Alex Forrest, Hillary—er, Senator Clinton for all you hyper-sensitive 2nd-Wavers out there—came back from the dead and pulled out a couple of big wins tonight. 

Well, you gotta hand it to her, she played her cards smart. Playing the gender victim while race baiting in a sclerotic Rust Belt state seemed to do the trick. And the fear card worked in Texas. You know, the state which in all it's wisdom gave us George W. Bush. It also didn't hurt to have kept Bill the Red in a closet somewhere so he couldn't wag his finger in anymore faces.

Now, we get to see a long war of attrition, one that may well last until the convention. It's possible that it'll make whatever candidate wins stronger and more battle-tested for November. It's more possible that some poisonous bad blood will have built up and the party suffers for it. 

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