Monday, March 3, 2008

Liberal Ideas

Another good post from Matt taking on Peter Daou's pro-Clinton case.

Choice cut:
[Daou's case:]
The Democrat who eventually faces Sen. McCain will require a set of skills and experiences that enables them to:
• compete on a broad playing field;
• confront and beat back a GOP attack machine waiting to tear them down;
• put forth and defend core Democratic ideas - and ideals - such as universal health care;
• build a solid coalition for victory;
• and importantly, stand toe-to-toe with Sen. McCain on national security.
Hillary excels on each of these fronts. 
[Yglesias's take:]
Now Kerry, for all his flaws, actually did come pretty close in 2004 so a Kerry-esque strategy plus economic distress just might work in 2008. And, of course, an attempt to draw a clear line of contrast on questions of doctrine might fail. But I, for one, would like to see it given a try. This is especially true because I think Obama is closer to correct on the merits of the underlying issue. But in political terms, a critique focused on implementation issues is going to be a lot less persuasive when directed at John McCain than it was at George W. Bush.

Obama will have a clear shot at making a simple argument that Bush's ideas have led to bad consequences, McCain shares Bush's ideas, and Obama has different ones. McCain will, of course, push back and say that Obama's ideas are wrongheaded and dangerous. But I actually have some faith in the power of liberal ideas and in the demonstration effect of the all-too-visible consequences of the alternative. Clinton, by contrast, continues to show a proclivity for either the politics of fear or else the politics of timidity.
Emphasis mine.

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