Obama greeted by largest crowd of his campaign
PHILADELPHIA — Barack Obama was greeted by the largest crowd of his campaign Friday night in Philadelphia. Some 35,000 people jammed into Independence Park to see the Democratic presidential candidate, four days before this state's crucial April 22 primary.
Friday, April 18, 2008
That's how many people showed up at the latest Obama rally. 35,000 people to see a politician! After the beating he's taken over the past few weeks. The guy's a phenomenon.
The Curse of 1920
Funny or scary? I can't tell if this is satire or not, but it seems straight up. If it's real, wow.
In 1920, a three-pronged Curse was unleashed upon America and the world, effecting the most dramatic and destructive changes to man since the Garden of Eden. This three-pronged Curse is: the women’s rights movement; jazz, rock ‘n’ roll, and rap; and abortion and euthanasia.
The Curse of 1920 chronicles the wholly destructive affects of this Curse, affording conclusive evidence from multiple sources, and critically gets to the very root of our nation’s most compelling governmental, social, and religious problems.
As this book clearly reveals, the root of this Curse lies in women, the black man, feminized men, the church, and is even rooted 3,726 years before in Abraham.
But exposing these problems is only the beginning; for unless we take specific measures to reverse The Curse of 1920, it will continue to destroy us! These measures are clearly laid out here.
Another Endorsement, Part 301
And another. This one from former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. Carville hyperbole invoking biblical traitor reference expected within the hour...
Robert Reich to Endorse Obama
"I saw the ads" — the negative man-on-street commercials that the Clinton campaign put up in Pennsylvania in the wake of Obama's bitter/cling comments a week ago — "and I was appalled, frankly. I thought it represented the nadir of mean-spirited, negative politics. And also of the politics of distraction, of gotcha politics. It's the worst of all worlds. We have three terrible traditions that we've developed in American campaigns. One is outright meanness and negativity. The second is taking out of context something your opponent said, maybe inartfully, and blowing it up into something your opponent doesn't possibly believe and doesn't possibly represent. And third is a kind of tradition of distraction, of getting off the big subject with sideshows that have nothing to do with what matters. And these three aspects of the old politics I've seen growing in Hillary's campaign. And I've come to the point, after seeing those ads, where I can't in good conscience not say out loud what I believe about who should be president. Those ads are nothing but Republicanism. They're lending legitimacy to a Republican message that's wrong to begin with, and they harken back to the past 20 years of demagoguery on guns and religion. It's old politics at its worst — and old Republican politics, not even old Democratic politics. It's just so deeply cynical."
Another Endorsement, Part 300
The endorsement drip continues. Pretty soon, even the most rabid of Hillary supporters (and they're out there believe me, check these sites out: www.taylormarsh.com/ www.hillaryis44.org/) will have to admit it's over and give up the ghost.
Boren, Nunn Endorse Obama
Two major stars of the Democratic foreign policy establishment -- former Sens. Sam Nunn and David Boren, have just endorsed Barack Obama and have agreed to serve on his national security team.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Screw 'Em
Oh, this is just too awesome. Clinton's latest persona as Rosie Lunchbucket is undermined by Clinton the First Lady.
Choice cut:
During the past week, Sen. Hillary Clinton has presented herself as a working class populist, the politician in touch with small town sentiments, compared to the elitism of her opponent, Sen. Barack Obama. But a telling anecdote from her husband's administration shows Hillary Clinton's attitudes about the "lunch-bucket Democrats" are not exactly pristine.
In January 1995, as the Clintons were licking their wounds from the 1994 congressional elections, a debate emerged at a retreat at Camp David. Should the administration make overtures to working class white southerners who had all but forsaken the Democratic Party? The then-first lady took a less than inclusive approach.
"Screw 'em," she told her husband. "You don't owe them a thing, Bill. They're doing nothing for you; you don't have to do anything for them."
Another Endorsement, Part 291
This one from The Boss.
Dear Friends and Fans:
Like most of you, I've been following the campaign and I have now seen and heard enough to know where I stand. Senator Obama, in my view, is head and shoulders above the rest.
He has the depth, the reflectiveness, and the resilience to be our next President. He speaks to the America I've envisioned in my music for the past 35 years, a generous nation with a citizenry willing to tackle nuanced and complex problems, a country that's interested in its collective destiny and in the potential of its gathered spirit. A place where "...nobody crowds you, and nobody goes it alone."
At the moment, critics have tried to diminish Senator Obama through the exaggeration of certain of his comments and relationships. While these matters are worthy of some discussion, they have been ripped out of the context and fabric of the man's life and vision, so well described in his excellent book, Dreams From My Father, often in order to distract us from discussing the real issues: war and peace, the fight for economic and racial justice, reaffirming our Constitution, and the protection and enhancement of our environment.
After the terrible damage done over the past eight years, a great American reclamation project needs to be undertaken. I believe that Senator Obama is the best candidate to lead that project and to lead us into the 21st Century with a renewed sense of moral purpose and of ourselves as Americans.
Over here on E Street, we're proud to support Obama for President.
The Return Of The Jed
I don't who The Jed Report is/are but they've been doing a great job of video tracking Hillary's...um, inconsistencies this season.
Why Superman Sucks…
And always will.
Choice cut:
Choice cut:
Moral Absolutism
Superman sez: all criminals are bad. All lawbreakers deserve punishment. If Superman were in charge of the DEA, roughly 70% of college students across the country would be serving time in prison right now.
Superman has no values of his own, so he's content to just uphold the values of the ruling class; this prevents him from becoming a dangerous vigilante a la Frank Castle, but it also means he has no legitimate opinions of his own where crime is concerned. In Paul Dini's storybook series on DC superheroes, Batman had to deal with gangland violence, Wonder Woman fights terrorism, and Superman tries to end world hunger. This is no accident – Superman is way too morally simplistic to deal with complex things like the "wars" on drugs or terror. In Batman: War on Crime, Bats comes up against a young boy holding a gun on him. Batman, understanding the complexity of crime and the reasons for its existence, talks the kid into dropping the gun and giving up a life of violence.
Monday, April 14, 2008
"Let The Children Come To Me"*
Gives that story a whole new twist, eh?
* Luke 18:15-16
15 People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Filthy Library Smut
Go ahead, take a peek. No one's looking.
The Gospel Truth
Good news on the religion front from the Pew Research Center.
28% - Losing My Religion
When looking at changes from one major religious tradition to another -- including no religion at all -- more than one-in-four adults (28%) have changed their religious affiliation from that in which they were raised. Among those changing their affiliation, the largest number now say they are not affiliated with any particular religious group or tradition. … The denomination that has experienced the greatest net loss by far is the Catholic Church.
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