Thursday, June 5, 2008
Well, looks like this will be my last post in a while. I'm heading up to Washougal, WA to help staff a weekend for the New Warriors. I'll be completely offline for four—four—mother fucking days! Yeesh. Enjoy the blogosphere without me. See you soon.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Clinton's Comic Sidekick
I have to admit, this guy's grown on me this cycle. His whole jump-the-shark persona is strangely endearing.
Oh, Yeah…

Anyway, as I said, I thought it was a bad speech and poorly delivered. But then, I would, wouldn't I? He's the opponent of my preferred candidate. And I've thought many of Bushes speeches were atrocious only to see them lauded in the media. So I didn't exactly trust my opinion to be objective.
One example from the National Review:
Bonus: Notice Harold Ford (D-Tenn.) at the very end of the clip, praising the clip. What a knob. A prime example of what the moribund DLC has to offer the party. Sheesh.
But it turns out I was right. It was just a leaden, boring speech. How do I know? Even conservatives are bashing it. DKos has reax here.
McCain's speech was creaky, ungracious, and unnecessary. I never understand why politicians don't take the opportunity, when so easily presented, to simply be gracious and hold their fire. Watching McCain, I couldn't help but think of the astonishing contrast Barack's triumphant speech to a massive and adoring crowd will be. It was not a comparison McCain should have invited.Update: "We're just trying to lower expectations." TPM has a humorous video roundup of reviews:
It would have been more statesmanlike ‹ precisely the profile McCain is attempting to craft ‹ to acknowledge this historic moment in American politics. A major party is on the cusp of selecting an African American to be their nominee for President of the United States. It's a tribute to America that we've come this far. It would have been magnanimous to leave it at that, and wait until tomorrow to declare with enthusiasm and relish, "It's on!"
Bonus: Notice Harold Ford (D-Tenn.) at the very end of the clip, praising the clip. What a knob. A prime example of what the moribund DLC has to offer the party. Sheesh.
The Guy Is So Damn Smart
The Field explains:
Associated Press has a cryptic one-sentence report out:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Obama taps three people to lead veep search, including Caroline Kennedy.
The signals sent with this move are multiple. They suggest a search for a running mate that is ideologically compatible, acceptable to the Kennedy wing of the party, that acknowledges the generational aspect of the change at hand, and, importantly, it brackets the disqualifying words uttered by one Veep aspirant late last month and looms as an ever-present reminder of vigilance regarding such unspeakable acts. Obama has picked someone in Caroline Kennedy who nobody is going to be able to push around. Nice.
The Clinton Is Dead, Long Live The Clinton
Reactions from across the blogosphere on Clinton's self-serving speech last night, courtesy of The Daily Dish.
My fav: "Whoever said that after denial comes acceptance hadn’t met the Clintons." —Maureen Dowd.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
"This Is Our Moment…
This is our time." He's finally over the top.

Here's the speech:
Woo hoo!
And if you want to know what I'm going to look like in November, here's the sneak peak:
And if you want to know what I'm going to look like in November, here's the sneak peak:
The Big O
A little quick on the trigger, The Associated Press declares Obama the winner. I think it's too soon, but what the hell, let's bask in it. Think of it as a preview of November!

Monday, June 2, 2008
Her Rightful Appointment
While most reports suggest that the Clinton campaign is at least feinting at wrapping up, mixed signals abound. (They do like their drama.) This report on a conference call earlier today says that they're still threatening to go to Denver. None of which is shocking or even interesting anymore. What is interesting to me is a letter that Clinton's Illinois finance chair is circulating which promises to fight through August (courtesy of Ben Smith at Politico):
We, the Illinois Finance Committee, want to show our full commitment to and support for Senator Hillary Clinton, in the fight for her rightful appointment as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee at the convention this August. [emphasis mine]If you click on the link, you'll see Smith focuses on the "August, and no earlier" sentence. But we've been hearing that type of thing for a while now. What's more striking to me is the continued arrogance which comes across most glaringly in the section I highlighted. The sense of entitlement is so thorough that even now it continues. It's rank arrogance, and is being deservedly punished by primary voters. I'll be glad these people aren't in the White House.
We believe she is, by far, the best candidate of the three, and the candidate most able to turn the ailing economy around, solve the housing crisis, end the war in Iraq and defeat the terrorists in Afghanistan, bring universal healthcare to our citizens, and finally make our country energy independent.
We also know she is the Democratic candidate best able to beat John McCain in the fall. One thing we are certain of is that the Republicans are good at winning elections. We, as Democrats, allowed them to win the last two contests, and we cannot afford to let that happen again.
Senator Clinton is ahead in the popular vote, and neither candidate can secure the nomination with pledged delegates alone. The automatic delegates can change their mind up until their vote at the convention, and that is why this nominating process must be resolved in August, and no earlier.
We Democrats will be united after our nomination process is completed, but only if that process is completed justly and in fair representation of the opinions of the members of our party. We believe nominating Hillary Clinton is the only way our party can guarantee victory in November.
Birth Of A Killer
This is pretty amazing.
Genesis of a VirusClick here to see video.
Scientists witness the birth of an HIV particle as it happens.
Over the years, HIV has proved a tricky target. No one could definitively show where in the cell it assembled, or when it was released. Certainly no one knew how long it took a single virus to be born. And so much of what's known about HIV and other viruses has been pieced together through experiments that rely on inference: microscopic and chemical probing of cells frozen in different states of viral infection provide only information about what was happening in that cell at a particular moment in time. Now researchers have been able to watch as hundreds of thousands of molecules assemble inside a cell to create a single particle of HIV.
"No one's ever actually observed virus particles assembling before," says Paul Bieniasz, a virology researcher at Rockefeller University and the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, and one of the scientists involved in the project. Their study marks the first time that scientists have been able to observe a virus--any virus--being built, and it holds the potential to revolutionize the relationship that scientists have with the viruses they study.
A Blueprint
For how Democrats should deal with Hillary if she refuses to concede after Tuesday night.
h/t: Daily Dish
h/t: Daily Dish
Sunday, June 1, 2008
How An Adult Discusses A Difficult Decision
In heavy contrast to the overgrown children throwing tantrums a few posts back, here's Obama explaining his decision to leave his church. Without disrespect, without inflammatory language, without drama. What a concept.
If it's true that we get the politicians we deserve, then, should Obama make it, this will be the first time in a generation or so that that concept doesn't reflect poorly on us.
If it's true that we get the politicians we deserve, then, should Obama make it, this will be the first time in a generation or so that that concept doesn't reflect poorly on us.
House Mother
A great article on Nancy Pelosi's background and her rise to power from Michelle Cottle at The New Republic.
Ask Not For Whom The Finger Wags
Ever unwilling to accept responsibility, The Finger whines about, the media and party leaders:
Bill Clinton’s enemies listCall the wah-bulance.
Pieced together from the former president’s public remarks at his wife’s campaign events and a private conversation last week with top donors to her campaign, the theory goes something like this: After Hillary recovered from a string of losses to rival Barack Obama with March 4 wins in Texas and Ohio, powerful forces conspired to pressure the superdelegates who will decide the nomination to back Obama by discouraging her supporters from voting and trying to hide evidence proving she would fare better than Obama against presumptive GOP nominee John McCain
While the former president has offered parts of this theory publicly, he fleshed it out more explicitly during a conference call last week with maxed-out donors to his wife’s campaign, a recording of which has been obtained by Politico.
After rattling off a series of poll numbers showing Hillary Clinton faring better than Obama against McCain, Bill Clinton told donors: “We are in the strongest conceivable position electorally and not in a good fix with the superdelegates, because they have felt all the pressure from the Obama side, from the media, from the MoveOn crowd — who they think is an automatic ATM machine for everybody for life. So, they’re reluctant to take on all that.”
While the campaign has been blasting the media for weeks for prematurely calling the race for Obama, President Clinton has added a new entry to his enemy list:, the anti-war group that endorsed Obama and that, through its political action committee, has raised millions for Democratic candidates, money the Clintons apparently believe has unfairly purchased superdelegate support for Obama.
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