Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Live Blogging My Cold

Sniffle. Sniff. Cough. Hack. Sniffle. Snort. Cough. Moan. Snort. Groan. Hack. Moan. Sniffle. Cough. Sniff. Snort. Cough. Cough. Hack. Moan. Groan. Snort. Sniffle. Sniff. Moan. 

Sorry, just had to clear that out of my system. 

This cold sucks. Won't let go its hold of me. Pain in the ass. I just want to breathe normally again. Just want to see the world without the hazy fog around the periphery. Just want to be able to stand up without reeling. Just want my upper back muscles to stop aching. Just want to be able to respond to a joking comment with witty reparte rather than a glazed look and a wan smile. 

I managed to get myself to the coffee shop today, but I think it was a mistake to come here. Now that I am here I just want to crawl back into bed. Besides, I'm not sure I should be driving.…


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