Monday, February 18, 2008

Graven Images

I don't know how many of you remember this, but a couple of years ago, some Danish newspapers ran editorial cartoons with images of Muhammed. Well, many Muslims throughout the world went berserk (apparently creating any image of Muhammed is prohibited in Islam). There were riots in the streets of Denmark and several Arab countries. Effigies were burned. The artists' and editors' lives were threatened. Etc., etc. You know the drill.

Well, just last week Danish authorities busted a few Muslims who had allegedly been plotting the assassination of a 72-year-old Danish illustrator. His offense: drawing pictures. Oh, but not just any pictures. Pictures of their precious prophet. For a little more of the story, see Hitchen's Slate article here

In honor of the artists who had to balls to draw the offending images, the editors who had the balls to publish them, and all of the Salman Rushdies of the world, here's a link to several of the supposedly noxious cartoons. (Sad fact: they're housed at Human Events, a far right conservative website. Conservative magazines were the only ones willing to publish to cartoons.) 

So go on over the site and look at the images. It's not just your right, it's your responsibility. 

Update: Turns out that the artist mentioned above, Kurt Westergaard, drew one of the cartoons that Muslims were offended when the story originally broke. His is the one showing above.

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