This is the rag that's owned by none other than reclusive conservative crank Richard Mellon-Scaife. You'll remember Scaife as the shadowy financier of the so-called VRWC (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy). During the nineties, he gave scads of cash (several millions) to right wing magazines and smear merchants to find dirt on or create the impression of dirt around the Clintons. Dirt like calling Vince Foster's suicide into question, claiming that as governor Clinton was a drug kingpin, claiming they were murderers, etc., etc.
Anyway, I'd been hearing reports of some sort of weird détente between him and the Clintons, and today's interview lends credence to them. Chalk it up to politics and bedfellows and all that, but it's still weird since there appeared to be so much genuine animosity between them.
Whatev, here she is with old Dick himself:

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