Here's the report from NBC's First Read:
And here's coverage from another source:Per the Obama campaign, 75,000 people (60,000 in the gates and 15,000 outside of them) turned out in Portland to hear Obama speak there this afternoon -- making it the largest Obama crowd to date.
Duane Bray, the battalion chief with Portland Fire and Rescue, validated that crowd estimate, the campaign says.
At a rally today in sunny Portland, Barack Obama spoke to some 75,000 people, according to the campaign. The mammoth crowd stood on Waterfront Park in downtown Portland adjacent to the scenic Willamette River. People even came by boat and kayak to catch a glimpse of the likely Democratic nominee.This vid (which has terrible sound quality) shows what 75,000 people look like:
“Hello Portland! Wow. Wow. Wow,” he said as the crowd chanted “Obama!” Looking out at the seemingly never ending crowd, he said, “We have had a lot of rallies around the country. I think it is fair to say that this is the most spectacular setting for the most spectacular crowd that we have had in this entire campaign. This is unbelievable.” He added, “It doesn’t hurt that it’s a perfect day.”
Update: Here are some pics of the event:

I'm guessing Republicans are shitting themselves.
Update: More pics here.
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