Sunday, March 23, 2008

Figures, Doesn't It?

This tidbit from LiveScience should come as no surprise, I suppose:
Clueless Guys Can't Read Women
More often than not, guys interpret even friendly cues, such as a subtle smile from a gal, as a sexual come-on, and a new study discovers why: Guys are clueless. "Young men just find it difficult to tell the difference between women who are being friendly and women who are interested in something more," said lead researcher Coreen Farris of Indiana University's Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.[…]

The study, to be detailed in the April issue of the journal Psychological Science, also found that it goes both ways for guys - they mistake females' sexual signals as friendly ones. The researchers suggest guys have trouble noticing and interpreting the subtleties of non-verbal cues, in either direction.
Ezra Klein is rightfully frustrated:
This article detailing research that found men misinterpret sexual gestures as friendly and friendly cues as sexual would be a whole lot more useful if the author bothered to give some examples of which were which.

My interest in this is, of course, solely to evaluate the study's methodology.
Ha. Thank god for alcohol.

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