Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ladyfingers Or Black Forest?

Hilarious excerpt of Stephen Colbert's interview with former Clinton Labor Secretary, Robert Reich. Click here for the vid.
Robert Reich … just won’t give an enthusiastic endorsement of a specific candidate, no matter how many ways Colbert tries to wheedle it out of him.

SC: Are you endorsing Hillary Clinton?

RR: No, I decided not to endorse this round.

SC: So, you’re endorsing Barack Obama?

RR: No, I’m not going to endorse anybody. Because I’ve been a friend of Hillary…

SC: But you’re leaning, you’re leaning towards Barack Obama…

RR: …for so many years, I don’t want to endorse anybody, I think that would be inappropriate.

SC: Okay, let me put it this way: if we were at a restaurant together and the waiter brought around the dessert cart, and the choice was ladyfingers or Black Forest cake, which way do you think you’d lean?

RR: Quite seriously, either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama would make a great president.

SC: Let me put this a different way. If I were a waiter and I were to offer you two different slices of pizza, and one was half-Hawaiian and you weren’t entirely sure what it was going to taste like. And the other was plain with cheese and had been under a heat lamp for 35 years, I mean, it had seen everything. Which would you go for?

RR: I don’t think I’d be terribly excited about either of those slices.

SC: Which movie would you rent? “Big Momma’s House” or “Medea’s Family Reunion”? Be careful, they are both about strong women who are actually black men.

RR: Um, gosh. I think I’d try both of them out.

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