And Clinton complains about
her treatment by the
Luxury Living on the Campaign Trail
Posted by Karen Tumulty, Time
This has got to be a first. Here in Austin, on the night before that make-or-break Texas primary, the Clinton campaign has set up a filing center for the traveling press corps ... in a men's room. Insert metaphor here.
UPDATE: According to the schedule, we will be here in the men's room for the next five hours. Someone will soon have to declare a moratorium on the "down the toilet" jokes.
UPDATE2: Hey, Jay: Is it true Obama has put his press corps in the Golden Door Spa tonight?
UPDATE3: There's also dinner and a television in here. I really wish I had Ana's little camera thing-ee, so I could share.
UPDATE4: CNN has a photo.
UPDATE5: A wider shot (wider stance?) from my own cellphone is posted two entries above this one. A gentleman just wandered in, expecting to use the facilities, and looked very startled to see three dozen reporters typing away on their laptops.
And then there's this statement from Clinton spokesman Doug Hattaway: "These accommodations should in no way be taken as a commentary on the quality of our media coverage." Heh.
Here are a couple of pics:

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